Friday, February 21, 2020

Did Moses Write the Pentateuch or the Book of Moses in the Bible Research Paper

Did Moses Write the Pentateuch or the Book of Moses in the Bible - Research Paper Example Pentateuch contain the laws and instructions of God given to the people of Israel through Moses, hence Pentateuch’s other name â€Å"Book of Moses†. In the Pentateuch, the Israelites were appointed as the chosen people of God and the beneficiary of the Ark of Covenant and laid down the foundation of the coming of the Messiah in the presence of Jesus Christ. II. Passages in the Bible that suggests Moses authorship of the Pentateuch There are several passages in the Pentateuch and the Bible that led to the initial conclusion that indeed Moses wrote the entire body of the Pentateuch. ... .'" Matthew 22:24  "Moses said, 'If a man dies without children...'" Mark 7:10  "For instance, Moses gave you this law from God..." Mark 12:24  "...haven't you ever read about this in the writings of Moses, in the story of the burning bush..." Luke 24:44  "...I told you that everything written about me by Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must all come true." John 1:17  "For the law was given through Moses..." John 5:46  "But if you had believed Moses, you would have believed me because he wrote about me. And since you don't believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?" John 7:23  " it, so as not to break the law of Moses..." Acts 26:22  "...I teach nothing except what the prophets and Moses said would happen..." Romans 10:5  "For Moses wrote..." III. Was the Pentateuch a work of a single author (by Moses) or an anthology of diverse material? It is easy to conclude that the first five books of the Bible were written by Moses given the above Bi blical passages suggestion that Moses wrote the entire Pentateuch. Also, the Books were attributed to him not to mention that he was a central figure to it. A close examination on the Pentateuch by scholars beginning in the eighteenth century however led them to conclude that the Pentateuch is not written by a single author, or by Moses alone as the traditional thinking suggests, but rather an anthology of diverse materials. Evidences that Pentateuch is not written by a single author When critical literary analysis was applied to the Pentateuch, it was found that the five books contained numerous duplications, broad diversity of writing style and even contrasting view points. The discovery of the duplication of the texts in the body of Pentateuch led scholars to study that the first five

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Realist Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Realist Theories - Assignment Example China wants to resolve the issue with the countries involved and not with the international bodies. If this can be resolved, what could these small countries do if China will lose its military might on its claims on the disputed islands. China may be emboldened to bully its neighboring countries due to its $9240 billion GDP which is the second highest in the world. This GDP also allowed it to have a military superiority against its neighbors including Japan. Even if their total economies and population will be combined, it would still be no match against China. In addition, China is the only nuclear capable state in that region. China however must take into account that there are two countries (Philippines and Japan) among the claimants that has Mutual Defense Treaty with the United States, the largest economy in the world and strongest military in the world. If China attacks Philippines and Japan, this would make the Mutual Defense Treaty take into effect dragging United States in the war. In addition, the international community will also be against China because Philippines has brought the issue to the international court for arbitration and waging a war against other claimants will be trespass the case before international